Linear Algebra – Similar Matrices and Identity

linear algebramatrices

Can anyone help me to understand what is suppose to do in this question?

"A matrix that is similar to the identity matrix" I should say something about this but I do not understand what is meant to do.

I know that two n x n matrices A and B are similar if $B=P^{-1}AP $.

They also have some properties such as:

The same:

Characteristic equation;
Eigenvalues etc.

However I do not understand the question and consequently I do not know how to start.

Can anyone help me on this?


Best Answer

A matrix $A \in M_n(\mathbb{F})$ that is similar to the identify matrix $I_n$ must be in fact the identify matrix (that is, $A = I_n$). To see why, note that if $A$ is similar to $I_n$ then we can find an invertible $P$ such that $$A = P^{-1} I_n P = (P^{-1} I_n) P = P^{-1} P = I_n. $$