[Math] Similar Matrices have the same rank

linear algebramatrix-rank

Prove that :- If $2$ matrices $A$ and $B$ are similar then they will have the same rank.

Proof is given here but I can't understand both answers which are related to image and kernel. I have seen all the video lectures of Prof. Gilbert Strang but I have not seen these things in those lectures. I only know that $A$ and $B$ are similar iff $A$ = $MBM^{-1}$ for some invertible square matrix $M$ but I can't proceed further. Is there any simple proof of it ?
Please help.

Best Answer

My favourite proof goes along the lines of

$rk(B)\geq rk(MBM^{-1}) = rk(A)$, as multiplying can only reduce rank (or keep it unchanged), never increase it. Now note that $B = M^{-1}AM$, so we similarily get $rk(A)\geq rk(M^{-1}AM) = rk(B)$