[Math] Signs in the tensor product and internal hom of chain complexes


Let $R$ be a commutative ring and $\text{Ch}(R)$ the category of chain complexes of $R$-modules. $\text{Ch}(R)$ is first of all an abelian category, but it can also be equipped with the structure of a (symmetric?) closed monoidal category: it has

  • a tensor product $A \otimes B$ whose component in degree $n$ is $\bigoplus_{i+j=n} A_i \otimes_R B_j$ and where the differential is defined by $d(a \otimes b) = da \otimes b + (-1)^{|a|} a \otimes db$, and
  • an internal hom $\text{hom}(A, B)$ whose component in degree $n$ is $\prod_i \text{Hom}_R(A_i, B_{i+n})$ and where the differential is defined by $(df)(a) = d(fa) – (-1)^{|f|} f(da)$

which are related via the adjunction $\text{Hom}(A \otimes B, C) \cong \text{Hom}(A, \text{hom}(B, C))$.

How can I motivate the sign convention in either of these definitions?

I can sort of answer that question: both sign conventions are just the graded Leibniz rule. As Theo Johnson-Freyd explains on MO, this is because $\text{Ch}(R)$ is precisely the category of modules over a one-dimensional graded-commutative Lie algebra over $R$ concentrated in degree $1$. But this is unsatisfying because I don't know the answer to this question:

What do graded Lie algebras have to do with the topological motivation for studying chain complexes?

By "the topological motivation" I mean the idea, made precise by the Dold-Kan correspondence, that a chain complex is, roughly speaking, a linearization of a combinatorialization of a topological space. I think that the sign convention for the tensor product can be motivated by thinking about simplicial chains, but this doesn't have quite the air of inevitability that I would like out of so fundamental a definition.

I have the feeling that everything goes back to Euler characteristic. A bounded complex can be sent to an alternating sum of elements of $K_0(R)$, and this sum is invariant under chain homotopy and additive in short exact sequences and possibly satisfies a universal property of some kind, and it clearly shows there is a real distinction to be made between the even and odd elements of a chain complex. But I don't know the conceptual route from this idea to the graded Leibniz rule.

Best Answer

One algebraic way to motivate this is to observe that the signs in the differential for the Hom are precisely what is needed for 0-cycles in the $\hom(A,B)$ complex to be the set of morphisms of complexes $A\to B$ (and also, that the 0th homology group $H_0(\hom(A,B))$ is the set of homotopy classes of morphisms $A\to B$). This is quite great.

Once you decide you want this, all the other signs you mention follow because you need various things to hold. For example, you want the adjuntion between $\hom$ and $\otimes$ to hold for the internal versions, so this forces you to add signs to the $\otimes$, and so on.


A topological, indirect explanation for the appearence of most signs is that in the long exact sequence of bases maps corresponding to a map $f:X\to Y$, which looks like $$X\to Y\to C(f)\to S(X) \to S(Y) \to S(C(f)) \to \cdots$$ there is a "sign" which you cannot get rid of. This sign reproduces itself in every algebraic version.

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