[Math] Signed Magnitude Binary number to Hexadecimal


I can't find too much about this by myself when googling and I am confused overall. So I decided to ask here.

So I'm trying to convert a Signed Magnitude Binary number to Hexadecimal.

Lets take 111011. So being that it is signed, I know that the leftmost bit will signify a negative sign (-ve). And the "11011" part is 27. So that number would be -27 in base-10.

But how would you represent that in hex? How do negative signs work in hex?

Best Answer

Negative signs work exactly the same way in hexadecimal as they do in decimal: simply put $-$ before the number. In your case, $-27_{10}=-\rm{1B}_{16}$.

Sign-and-magnitude notation is peculiar because there exists a representation of negative zero. Because of this, and the gate cost of implementing circuitry working with this format, we do not use it often, instead preferring twos-complement (which has no negative zero). A brief survey of digital representations of negative numbers can be found on Wikipedia.

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