[Math] sign for ‘not less than’, ‘not greater than’, etc.


I was wondering about this, just now, because I was trying to write something like:
$880$ is not greater than $950$.
I am wondering this because there is a 'not equal to': $\not=$
Not equal to is an accepted mathematical symbol – so would this be acceptable: $\not>$?
I was searching around but I couldn't find any qualified sites that would point me in that direction.

So, I would like to know if there are symbols for, not greater, less than, less than or equal to, greater than or equal to x.

Thanks for your help and time!

Best Answer

To answer the question, yes. $$ a \nless b\\ a \ngtr b\\ a \nleq b\qquad a \nleqq b\qquad a \nleqslant b\\ a \ngeq b\qquad a \ngeqq b\qquad a \ngeqslant b $$ and so on for many other mathematical relations $$ a \nleftarrow b\\ a \nLeftarrow b\\ A \nsupseteqq B\\ A \nvdash \phi\qquad A \nVdash \phi\\ \nexists x $$

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