Functions – Sigmoid Function with Fixed Ascent and Tunable Slope


I am looking for the simplest sigmoid function that goes from 0 to 1 and has a fixed starting point and tunable slope. As I am not a mathematician, I am sure I already used a lot of improper terms, but I hope it will be clear:

  1. $$y=\frac{1}{1+e^{-x\alpha}}$$

The standard sigmoid (1.) is not such, as it's starting position depends on the slope (α).

I found that (2.) has the desired start:

  1. $$y=1-\frac{1}{\left( 1+\left( x \right)^{4} \right)}$$

enter image description here
Plot image

Now that is great, but I need a sigmoid, when below 0 (or actually below β in 3.) it is always zero and it is possibly differentiable.

  1. $$y=1-\frac{1}{\left( 1+\left( x-β \right)^{4} \right)}$$

My most sincere apologies if this question breaks the noob-o-meter.
Please also correct me, if I used the wrong terms/ language.

Best Answer

I recently developed a sigmoidal function that is based on the Superparabola as a differentiable model for the Heaviside step function. It has the following attributes:

  1. It is complete in a finite regime (i.e., the ends are absolute rather than asymptotic).

  2. It is fully differentiable over the entire regime.

  3. Parametrically, it can vary between a ramp function and a step function.

In addition, it can be moved and scaled as required. Without any further ado, the function is given by

$$f\left( x \right)=\frac{1}{2}\left[ 1+\text{sgn} (x)\,\frac{B\left( {1}/{2}\;,p+1,{{\left| x \right|}^{2}} \right)}{B\left( {1}/{2}\;,p+1 \right)} \right]$$

where the numerator and denominator $B$s are the incomplete and complete beta functions, respectively. When $p=0$ you get the ramp function and as $p\to\infty$ you get the step function. For all other $p$ you get a sigmoidal function with variable rise slope.

Also, note that the derivative of the incomplete beta function is given by


The figure below shows a typical sigmoidal function so-calculated (red) and the superparabola (blue) from which it was created by integration.

Sigmoid function

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