[Math] Showing two polynomial rings over $\mathbb{C}$ aren’t isomorphic


Im trying to show that the ring of polynomials in one variable over the complex numbers is not isomorphic to the ring over $\mathbb C$ with two variables $x$ and $y$ modulo $\langle x^2-y^3\rangle$. I've shown previously that if the relationship $p^2=q^3$ holds for some $p$ and $q$ in one variable, there exists $r$ such that $p=r^3$ and $q=r^2$. I'm assuming this helps in some way but I'm not precisely sure how.

Best Answer

If $I$ is a maximal ideal in $\def\CC{\mathbb C}\CC[X]$, then there is an $\alpha\in\CC$ such that $I=(X-\alpha)$, and using this it is easy to see that $\dim_\CC I/I^2=1$.

On the other hand, the ideal $J=(X,Y)\subset A=\CC[X,Y]/(X^2-y^3)$ is maximal and $J/J^2$ is a vector space of dimension $2$.

It follows that $A$ is not isomorphic to $\CC[X]$.

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