[Math] Showing the complex conjugate of an eigenvector to a given eigenvalue is an eigenvector for the conjugate eigenvalue.

matricesordinary differential equations

I'm taking an introductory differential equations course, and we learned the matrix method for systems. We're currently covering complex eigenvalues, and I was asked to prove the following problem. However, I have no idea of how to start, and I was hoping you could provide hints as to what the solution is.

What I know: If $\mathbf{x_1}+i\mathbf{x_2}$ is a solution for the system $\mathbf{\dot x}=A\mathbf{x}$, then its real and imaginary parts $\mathbf{x_{1}},\mathbf{x_{2}}$ are solutions to the system.

Suppose the matrix $\mathbf A$ with real entries has eigenvalues $\lambda=\alpha+i\beta$ and $\bar\lambda=\alpha-i\beta$. Suppose also that $\mathbf Y_{0}=\binom{x_{1}+iy_{1}}{x_{2}+iy_{2}}$ is an eigenvector for the eigenvalue $\lambda$. Show that $\mathbf{\bar Y_{0}}=\binom{x_{1}-iy_{1}}{x_{2}-iy_{2}}$ is an eigenvector for the eigenvalue $\bar\lambda$. In other words the complex conjugate of an eigenvector for $\lambda$ is an eigenvector for $\bar\lambda$.

Best Answer

As $Y_0$ is an eigenvector you have $AY_O = \lambda Y_0$. Now take the conjugates of both sides, which for matrix means conjugating all entries you have:

$$\overline{AY_0} = \overline{\lambda Y_0} \iff \bar{A }\bar{Y_0} = \bar{\lambda} \bar{Y_0} \iff A\overline{Y_0} = \bar{\lambda}\bar{Y_0}$$

Therefore $\bar{\lambda}$ is an eigenvalue and $\overline{Y_0}$ is an eigenvector corresponding to it.

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