[Math] Showing that the minimal polynomial of an $n \times n$ matrix has degree at most $n$ without using the Cayley-Hamilton Theorem

alternative-prooflinear algebraminimal-polynomialsmodules

Let $A$ be an $n \times n$ matrix over a field $k$. Or, more generally, an endomorphism of an $n$-dimensional $k$-vector space. Then the minimal polynomial $p_A(t)$, of $A$, has degree at most $n$. The usual way to show this is as a corollary of Cayley-Hamilton:

If $\Phi_A(t) = \det(tI – A)$ then $\Phi_A(A) = 0$ and $\deg \Phi_A = n$. Since $p_A \mid \Phi_A$, it follows that $\deg p_A \le n$.

One can also prove this using the structure theorem:

The $k[t]$-module $V = k^n$, with action given by $t \cdot v = Av$, decomposes as a direct sum $$V \cong \bigoplus_{i = 1}^r k[t]/(q_i), $$ where $0 \ne q_1 \mid q_2 \mid \dots \mid q_r = p_A$. Taking dimensions we have $$ n = \sum_{i = 1}^r \deg q_i. $$ Therefore $\deg p_A = \deg q_r \le n$.

It is clear that we do not need the full strength of the structure theorem; all we need to do is show that there is a module-embedding $$ k[t]/(p_A) \hookrightarrow V. $$ This is shown in the course of proving the structure theorem.


Can we show that $\deg p_A \le \dim V$ without using Cayley-Hamilton or the the structure theorem? In particular, are there any easier proofs of this fact than as a corollary of Cayley-Hamilton?

Best Answer

Let $v$ be a nonzero vector in $V=k^n$. Let $m$ be the least positive integer with $A^mv$ linearly dependent on $v$, $Av,\ldots, A^{m-1}v$. Then there is a monic $f$ of degree $m$ with $f(A)v=0$. Therefore $f(A)A^jv=A^jf(A)v=0$ for $0\le j\le m - 1$ so that $f(A)$ has nullity $\ge m$. Let $W=f(A)V$. The dimension of $W$ is $\le n-m$. Then $A$ acts on $W$ and inductively $g(A)W=0$ for some monic polynomial $g$ of degree $\le n-m$. Therefore $gf$ has degree $\le n$ and annihilates $V$.

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