[Math] Showing that $\sqrt[3]{9+9\sqrt[3]{9+9\sqrt[3]{9+\cdots}}} – \sqrt{8-\sqrt{8-\sqrt{8+\sqrt{8-\sqrt{8-\sqrt{8+\cdots}}}}}} = 1$

algebra-precalculusnested-radicalsradicalsreal numbers

$$\sqrt[3]{9+9\sqrt[3]{9+9\sqrt[3]{9+\cdots}}} – \sqrt{8-\sqrt{8-\sqrt{8+\sqrt{8-\sqrt{8-\sqrt{8+\cdots}}}}}} = 1$$
In the second nested radical, the repeating pattern is $(-,-,+)$. I approached this problem in a rather boring way. That is, the first expression satisfies the equation,
$$y=\sqrt[3]{9+9y} \implies y^3=9+9y$$
and the second one satisfies,
$$x=+\sqrt{8-\sqrt{8-\sqrt{8+x}}} \implies \left[(x^2-8)^2-8\right]^2=8+x$$
Now this magically factors into
$$(x^2 – x – 8) (x^3 – 2 x^2 – 11 x + 23) (x^3 + 3 x^2 – 6 x – 17) = 0$$
It turns out that the $x$ we are looking is the solution of the third factor. And so,
$$x^3 + 3 x^2 – 6 x – 17=0 \implies (x+1)^3-9(x+1)-9=0$$
And magically $x+1=y$. The problem here is that this does not give me much understanding of nested radicals, it is just plain bash.

Q. All in all, my question asks, if there's a way to prove the difference
is 1 without (or a little less) bashing and a nice general way to deal
with such expressions (like the examples below)?

Next I tried the following, Assume that we want to solve
What we can try is the following,
When we repeatedly square, we loose the information of the signs highlighted. That is, the equation $(t^2-7)^2=t+7$ has some nice roots corresponding to,
$$t=+\sqrt{7+\sqrt{7+t}}\qquad \text{and}\qquad t=-\sqrt{7-\sqrt{7+t}}$$
But these can be reduced by their symmetry,
$$t=+\sqrt{7+t}\qquad \text{and}\qquad t=-\sqrt{7+t}$$
Solution to both of these satisfy $t^2=t+7$ (which are the roots we don't want). And so we get the intuition why that huge equation has a quadratic factor. Now in this case, after long division we will end up with a quadratic equation whose solution (that we want) is $2$. If we use this in our original question, we get a 6th degree equation with no further intuition.

I also saw this on Wikipedia with no explanation.

There is a typing error in the above image.

Best Answer

took me a while. The roots of your $$ u^3 - 9u - 9 = 0 $$ are $$ -2 \sqrt 3 \sin {\frac{2\pi}{9}} \; , $$ $$ -2 \sqrt 3 \sin {\frac{8\pi}{9}} \; = \; -2 \sqrt 3 \sin {\frac{\pi}{9}} , $$ $$ -2 \sqrt 3 \sin {\frac{14\pi}{9}} \; = \; 2 \sqrt 3 \sin {\frac{4\pi}{9}} . $$


? poldisc( s^3 - 9 * s - 9)
%51 = 729
? polgalois( s^3 - 9 * s - 9)
%59 = [3, 1, 1, "A3"]

? polroots( s^3 - 9 * s - 9)
%52 = [-2.226681596905677465811651808 ,
       -1.184792530904095372701352048 , 
        3.411474127809772838513003856 ]~

? u = -2 * sqrt(3) * sin (2 * Pi / 9  )
%53 = -2.226681596905677465811651808
? v = -2 * sqrt(3) * sin (8 * Pi / 9  )
%54 = -1.184792530904095372701352048
? w = -2 * sqrt(3) * sin (14 * Pi / 9  )
%55 = 3.411474127809772838513003856
? u^3 - 9 * u - 9
%56 = 0.E-27
? v^3 - 9 * v - 9
%57 = 0.E-27
? w^3 - 9 * w - 9
%58 = -8.07793567 E-28


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