[Math] Showing that a Unit Speed Curve is a Circle.


In my recent differential geometry tutorial, we were given the question:

Given the unit speed curve,


show that this represents a circle with centre $(0,1,0)$ with radius 1.

My first intuitive thought is to simply find the distance between $(0,1,0)$ and $\boldsymbol{r}(s)$ and show that it is 1 for all $s$ – this is the definition of a circle, correct? However, my tutor advised that we had to look into the torsion of the curve and use the fact that it is 0.

Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advanced.

Best Answer

Notice that in three dimension, a curve of constant distant to a fixed point is a curve on the sphere. So not only you shall show what you mentioned, but that torsion vanishes to ensure the curve is restricted to a plane, hence a circle in 2 dimensional subspace.