[Math] Showing that a graph has a cycle length less than something

graph theory

I have the following exercise to do but don't know how to approach it:

Let $G$ be a graph with $n$ nodes ($n \ge 2$), and where every node has degree at least $3$. Show that $G$ has a cycle of length $\le 2\cdot \lceil\log n\rceil$. And it allows me to consider a breadth-first search tree.

First of all, what's the length of a cycle? Is it the number of arcs in the cycle? Secondly, how do I show it's $2\cdot\lceil\log n\rceil$?

Thanks, Sorin

Best Answer

The length of a cycle is the number of vertices in the cycle (which is equal to the number of edges in the cycle). Some examples are given below:

A 3-cycle, 4-cycle and a 5-cycle

Suppose we have a graph $G$ with $n \geq 2$ vertices and minimum degree $3$. Let $C$ be the shortest cycle in $G$, and let $x$ be a vertex in $C$. (Note: there exists at least one cycle in $G$, otherwise $G$ would be a forest, and non-empty forests have vertices of degree $0$ or $1$.)

Two slightly different situations can arise, depending on whether $C$ is an odd-length cycle or an even-length cycle.

Case I: $C$ is a $t$-cycle, where $t$ is odd.

To find the upper bound on $t$, we look at the neighbours of $x$, then their neighbours, and so on, until we first hit a cycle. This will occur at depth $\frac{t-1}{2}$, since $t$ is odd.

The situations is as depicted below, where the cycle in bold represents $C$.

The vertices at various distances from $x$ (odd case)

Every vertex on level $i \in \{1,2,\ldots,\frac{t-1}{2}-1\}$ is connected to at least $2$ vertices on level $i+1$ and exactly $1$ vertex on level $i-1$. Any other situation would either imply (a) we have not accounted for all vertices at a given level or (b) there exists a cycle shorter than $C$. Therefore \begin{align*} n &\geq 1+\sum_{i=0}^{\frac{t-1}{2}-1} 3 \cdot 2^i \\ &=1+3 \cdot 2^{\frac{t-1}{2}} & \text{using the identity } \sum_{k=0}^a 2^a=2^{a+1}. \end{align*}

Case II: $C$ is a $t$-cycle, where $t$ is even.

In this situation, the picture looks like the following:

The vertices at various distances from $x$ (even case)

And we can instead deduce \begin{align*} n &\geq 3+\sum_{i=0}^{\frac{t}{2}-2} 3 \cdot 2^i \\ &=3+3 \cdot 2^{\frac{t}{2}-1} & \text{using the identity } \sum_{k=0}^a 2^a=2^{a+1}. \end{align*}

Hence we have:

Lemma: $n > 2^{\frac{t}{2}}$ for all $n$.

Proof: If $t$ is odd, then $$n \geq 1+3 \cdot 2^{\frac{t-1}{2}} = 1+\frac{3}{\sqrt{2}} \cdot 2^{\frac{t}{2}} \geq 2^{\frac{t}{2}}.$$ If $t$ is even, then $$n \geq 3+3 \cdot 2^{\frac{t}{2}-1} = 3+\frac{3}{2} \cdot 2^{\frac{t}{2}} \geq 2^{\frac{t}{2}}.$$ [End of proof.]

So, if $t>2 \lceil \log_2 n \rceil$, then, by the lemma, we have $$n > 2^{\log_2 n} = n$$ giving a contradiction. So finally, we can conclude:

Theorem: If $G$ is a graph with minimum degree $\geq 3$, then there exists a cycle of length at most $2 \lceil \log_2 n \rceil$.

It is worth noting that the bound can sometimes be achieved. For example, this is $K_{3,3}$:


which has $n=6$ vertices and the shortest cycle is a $2 \lceil \log_2 n \rceil$-cycle. It's not going to be "perfect" (since we rounded off in the lemma above), but it will be asymptotically the best possible.

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