[Math] Showing $S_{n}$ is not solvable for $n\geq 5$


I'm going through a physicist viewpoint of Galois theory and a found a lecture by Takeuchi here. In the slide 47 he showed that $S_{n}$ is not solvable for $n\geq 5$. This is the proof

Let $G$ be a group of permutations of five objects or more that
include all cyclic permutations of three elements.




Let $H$ be an invariant normal subgroup of $G$ such that $G/H$ is cyclic. And consider the homomorphism $f:G\rightarrow G/H$




Therefore $(123)\in H$. This is true for any cyclic permutation of three
elements. Therefore, $G$ is not solvable.

I don't understand particularly why the fact that $(123)$ is mapped to the identity implies $(123)\in H$. I would appreciate some help.

Best Answer

That map from $G$ onto $G/H$ is the map $g\mapsto gH$ and the identity element of $G/H$ is $H(=eH)$. So, $g(\in G)$ is maped into $eH$ if and only if $gH=eH$, which means that $g\in H$.

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