[Math] Showing a sequence of analytic functions converges locally uniformly


Let $f_n :U \to \mathbb{C}$ be a sequence of analytic functions on an open and connected set $U$. Suppose that the sequence is locally bounded and that for the set $$D:= \{z \in U : f_n(z) \, \, \mathrm{converges} \}$$ has an accumulation point in $U$.

How would you show that then the whole sequence $f_n$ converges locally uniformaly to an analytic function $f$?

Best Answer

By Montel's theorem, the sequence $(f_n)$ has a subsequence which converges locally uniformly to some analytic function $f: U \to \mathbb{C}$. Assume, $f_n \not \to f$ locally uniformly. Then there exists a compact set $K$, $\varepsilon>0$ and a subsequence $(f_{n_k})_k$ of $(f_n)$ such that $$\forall k: \|f_{n_k}-f\|_K \geq \varepsilon \tag{1}$$

By Montel's theorem, $(f_{n_k})$ has a locally uniformly convergent subsequence $(f_{n_{k_j}})_j$, $$f_{n_{k_j}} \to \tilde{f} \quad \text{locally uniformly}$$ By assumption, $\tilde{f}|_D = f|_D$. Since $f$, $\tilde{f}$ are holomorphic and $D$ has an accumulation point, we conclude $f = \tilde{f}$ (by the identity theorem). Contradiction to (1)!