[Math] Showing a holomorphic function f is constant under certain conditions


Let $f$ be holomorphic on the open unit disk $D = \{z : \space|z| < 1 \}$. Show that if any
of the following conditions holds, then f is constant in D:

i. $f'= 0$ everywhere in D

ii. $f$ is real-valued in D

iii. $|f|$ is constant in D

iv. $\arg(f)$ is constant in D

How do you show all these?
Im thinking for the first one it would maybe be to do with the cauchy riemann equations but im not sure how to appoach this? and the I have an idea for the third that by liouvilles theorem $|f|$ is bounded and because it is holomorphic in this range it is therefore constant?

Best Answer

Hints: For (i) and (ii), use the fact that holomorphic implies you can expand $f$ as a Taylor series in $z$.

For (iii), you cannot use Liouville's theorem because that requires $f$ to be entire (holomorphic on the whole complex plane). However, for (iii) and (iv) you might be able to do something with the fact that $\log(f) = \log(|f|) + i \arg(f)$, where $\log(f), \arg(f) $ are only defined locally on some region with an appropriate branch cut.

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