Real Analysis – Proving a Compact Metric Space has a Countable Dense Subset


I know that this is separable, but that has not been covered by the text at this point. I believe my proof (below) to be correct, but not very rigorous. Assuming that it actually is correct, could someone please help me make it more formal? (If it's not correct, please help with the proof). Thanks.

Proof: Let $X$ be a compact metric space. Let $B_n = \{B(x,\frac1{n}) : x\in X\}$. be the collection of open balls centered at $x$. Let $\{x\}^{(n)}$ be the set of centers for some particular $n$. Then by compactness of $X$, there are also a finite number of centers for a particular $n$ (corresponding to each open ball).

[This is where I have trouble properly saying what's on my mind:]

Consider $B(x,r_0)$, where $r_0 = \frac{1}{n_0}$. When we decrease the magnitude of $r_0$ to $r_1$, we must still be able to cover $X$. Meaning some open ball(s) must be "formed" where $B(x,r_0)$ was once "covering". So by adding open balls, we also add to our collection of centers. This means at $B(x,r_0)$, there was originally a point $y \in B(x,r_0)$ s.t. $B(y,r') \subset B(x,r_0)$ for some $r'$. That is, $B(x,r_0)$ contained another point of $X$. Thus, by definition, $X$ contains a countable dense subset.

Best Answer

First a notational observation: the notation $\{x\}^{(n)}$ is truly horrible. It looks as if you’re performing some operation on the singleton set $\{x\}$ whose sole element is $x$.

Your basic idea is just fine, but you’re making it too complicated; that’s part of why you’re having trouble expressing it clearly. As others have suggested, you don’t need to try to relate the centres of one ‘level’ to those of any other ‘level’. Here’s a relatively efficient version of the idea:

For each $n\in\Bbb Z^+$ let $$\mathscr{U}_n=\left\{B\left(x,\frac1n\right):x\in X\right\}\;;$$ $\mathscr{U}_n$ is an open cover of the compact space $X$, so there is a finite $F_n\subseteq X$ such that $$\left\{B\left(x,\frac1n\right):x\in F_n\right\}$$ covers $X$. Let $D=\bigcup_{n\in\Bbb Z^+}F_n$; $D$ is a countable union of finite sets, so $D$ is countable. To see that $D$ is dense in $X$ let $y\in X$ and $\epsilon>0$ be arbitrary. There is an $n\in\Bbb Z^+$ such that $\frac1n\le\epsilon$, and there is then an $x\in F_n$ such that $y\in B\left(x,\frac1n\right)$. But then $d(x,y)<\frac1n\le\epsilon$, so $y\in D\cap B(x,\epsilon)$, and $D$ is indeed dense in $X$. $\dashv$

You might like to note, by the way, that we could have got the same result had each of the sets $F_n$ been countable: we did not actually need them to be finite. Thus, the same argument shows that every Lindelöf metric space is separable. And this actually is a stronger result, since $\Bbb R$ with its usual metric is Lindelöf but not compact.