[Math] Showing 4 points are concyclic


I have the following statement that I have to prove. It is supposed to be a geometric proof. I have somewhat started the proof but I am stumped. Here is the statement.

Given any triangle, let A, B, C be the midpoints of the three sides of a triangle and let D be the base of one of the altitudes. Show that these 4 points are concyclic.

So far this is what I have…

Connect the points A, B and C to form a triangle. We know that any triangle has a circumscribed circle and so the points A, B and C all lie on the circumference of this circle. Now we want to show that D also lies on this circle. If X, Y, Z is our initial triangle, we note that AC // XZ, BC //XY and AB // YZ.

I do not know how to continue after this. Please help me!

Best Answer

$AHC$ is a right triangle and the median relative to hypotenuse is half the hypotenuse

$AH=\frac12 FD\to AH=AD$

$ADCB$ is a parallelogram so AD=BC$

therefore $AH=BC$

Furthermore $AB\parallel DE$ and this proves that $ABCH$ is an isosceles trapezoid which is always possible to inscribe in a circle.

Hope this helps


The median $AH$ is half $DF$ because you can build a rectangle as I did in the second picture, diagonals are equal and bisect each other. $$...$$

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