Graph Theory – Proof of Unique Minimum Spanning Tree with Different Edge Costs

graph theoryoptimizationtrees

Show that there's a unique minimum spanning tree (MST) in case the edges' weights are pairwise different $(w(e)\neq w(f) \text{ for } e\neq f)$.

I thought that the proof can be done for example by contradiction, saying that we have $2$ different MST meaning that somewhere was possible to pick from more edges, so $w(e) = w(f)$ for $e\neq f$, contradiction. Apparently this is not correct.

How would you show that a graph has a unique MST if all edges have distinct weights?

Best Answer

If $T_1$ and $T_2$ are distinct minimum spanning trees, then consider the edge of minimum weight among all the edges that are contained in exactly one of $T_1$ or $T_2$. Without loss of generality, this edge appears only in $T_1$, and we can call it $e_1$.

Then $T_2 \cup \{ e_1 \}$ must contain a cycle, and one of the edges of this cycle, call it $e_2$, is not in $T_1$.

Since $e_2$ is a edge different from $e_1$ and is contained in exactly one of $T_1$ or $T_2$, it must be that $w ( e_1 ) < w ( e_2 )$. Note that $T = T_2 \cup \{ e_1 \} \setminus \{ e_2 \}$ is a spanning tree. The total weight of $T$ is smaller than the total weight of $T_2$, but this is a contradiction, since we have supposed that $T_2$ is a minimum spanning tree.