[Math] Show that there is no analytic bijection from the unit disc to $\mathbb{C}$

complex numberscomplex-analysis

Show that there is no analytic bijection from the unit disc to $\mathbb{C}$.

I am quite unsure how to proceed here. I know for a fact that there is no analytic function from $\mathbb{C}$ to the open disc by Louvilles theorem.

Suppose that $f$ is ideed an analytic bijection from the unit disc to $\mathbb{C}$. Then consider the map $g(z)=f(\frac{1}{z})$. Now $g$ is an analytic bijective function from $\mathbb{C}/\{0\}$ to $\mathbb{C}$. Can this be extended to a proof?

Best Answer

Denote unit disc as $\mathbb{D}$.

If there exists an analytical $\space f: \mathbb{C}\to\mathbb{D}$, then $f$ is a bounded entire function, and therefore by Liouville's theorem, $\space f$ is constant, so it cannot be a bijection.

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