[Math] Show that there is a step function $h$ on $I$ and a measurable subset $F$ of $I$ for which $h= \psi$ on $F$ and $m(I-F) < \epsilon$


Let I be closed and bounded interval and $\psi$ a simple function defined on I. Let $\epsilon>0$. Show that there is a step function $h$ on $I$ and a measurable subset $F$ of $I$ for which $h= \psi$ on $F$ and $m(I-F) < \epsilon$. please any idea i am truly struggling with this problem, thanks, just ideas i do not want it to be solve.

i am looking for where to start ok thanks

Best Answer

Hint :

Let $\psi=\boldsymbol 1_A$ where $A\subset I$ is a measurable set. By Lusin theorem, if $\varepsilon>0$, there is an $F\subset I$ such that $m(I-F)<\varepsilon$ and $\psi|_F$ is continuous. Then $\psi|_F=0$ or $\psi|_F=1$, which is a step function.

I let you conclude if $\psi=\sum_{i=1}^n a_i\boldsymbol 1_{A_i}$.