[Math] Show that the set is compact using the definition


The set in question is $\{0\}\cup \{1,\frac12,\frac13,\ldots,\frac1n,\ldots\}$ (for $n\in\mathbb N$).

Okay, so for a set to be compact, every open cover of it must be able to be broken down into a finite subcover.

An open subcover of $(-2, 2)$ for instance can be broken down into $(-2,0) \cup (0,2)$. Is my understanding of the definition correct?

Intuitively, I feel like every open set can't possibly be compact. Is this correct. What's the correct approach to putting the logic into mathematical language?

Best Answer

An open cover of $(-2,2)$ can only be broken down into $(-2,0) \cup (0,2)$ if those two open sets are included in the cover, not to mention that $(-2,0) \cup (0,2)$ fails to cover $(-2,2)$ to begin with (what contains $0$?).

You are right when you say that open sets of $\mathbb R$ are not compact (well the empty set is). To show this, you would have to construct a open cover which can never be reduced to a finite subcover. The simplest open set to look at for this would be $(0,1)$.

To address your main question, is a singleton, say $\{0\}$, compact? What about a set of two real numbers? Three? Some natural number $n$?