[Math] Show that the ring of continuous functions $f:\mathbb R\to\mathbb R$ is not Noetherian


Prove that the ring of continuous functions $f:\mathbb R\to\mathbb R$ is not Noetherian.

I know that to be Noetherian, every ideal is generated by finitely many elements or equivalently R satisfies the ascending chain condition.

So, if I can find an ideals that are contained in each other that don't terminate then it is not Noetherian.

My professor briefly touched on Noetherian rings so it is still a little bit confusing. How do I go about finding these ideals? Or should I show that every ideal is generated by finitely generated elements? Any help is much appreciated!

Best Answer

Consider $I_n=\{f \in C(\mathbb{R}):f(x)=0, \forall x \geq n\}$ ($n >0$). Then clearly $I_n$'s form an infinite ascending chain of ideals.

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