[Math] Show that the question “Is there life beyond earth?” is decidable


I was given a question to prove that there exists a turing machine that solves the question

Is there life beyond earth?

and is decidable. I actually don't understand how to show a turing machine decides this.


Best Answer

This is a trick question, the idea being that the answer doesn't depend on the input (or rather, has no input; but Turing machines are usually assumed to have an implicit input). If the answer is YES, then the Turing machine that prints YES solves the problem. The same goes for the answer NO. Of course, we don't know which of these two Turing machine solves the problem, but we know that one of them does.

In contrast, suppose you wanted to solve the halting problem in this way. Then you would need a table where for each program you record whether it halts on the empty input or not. This table is infinite, and so this approach doesn't work.