[Math] Show that the orthogonal group acts transitively on the sphere $S^n.$

algebraic-topologyfibrationhomotopy-theoryk-theoryorthogonal matrices

Show that the orthogonal group $$ O(n + 1) = \{ A \in GL(n+1 , \mathbb{R}) \mid A^{-1} = A^{T}\}$$acts transitively on the sphere $S^n,$ with stabilizer subgroup $O(n).$ Then use this to determine, with justification, the relationship between $i$ and $n$ so that $$\pi_i(O(n)) \cong \pi_i(O(n + 1)) \cong \pi_i(O(n + 2)) \cong \cdots . $$

I got the following hint:

You need the Orbit Stabilizer Theorem from algebra, and the fact that if $G$ is a Lie group, then $G_{x} \rightarrow G \rightarrow Gx $ is a fibre sequence.

Still, I am unable to fill the details, could anyone help me in doing so, please?

Best Answer

Assume that we already know that the action is transitive. Then what is the stabilizer of the point $v=(0,...,0,1) \in S^n?$ I claim that if we let $O(n)$ be identified with the subgroup of $O(n+1)$ of all matrices of the form

$$\begin{pmatrix} A & \vdots \\ & 0\\ \dots 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix}$$

where $A \in O(n)$, then $O(n)$ is the stabilizer at $v \in S^n$.

(This new block matrix is clearly orthogonal since the dot product of two different columns are still zero and dot product of a column with itself is $1$)


Let $B \in O(n+1)$ and $Bv = v$ so that $B$ is in the stabilizer at $v$. Then the rightmost column of $B$ has to be

$$\begin{matrix} \vdots \\ 0\\ 1 \end{matrix}$$

(we just make a direct computation of $Bv$)

and for $B$ to be orthogonal two different columns dot producted with eachother has to be zero. In particular for the rightmost culumn $ (b_{i,1},...,b_{i,n+1}) \ \cdot \ (0,...,0,1) = 0$ if $i \neq n+1$ which implies that $b_{i,n+1} = 0$ for all $i \neq n+1$. What this says is that $B$ is of the form

$$\begin{pmatrix} B' & \vdots \\ & 0\\ \dots 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix}$$

for some $n \times n$ matrix $B'$. Verifying that $B'$ is orthogonal is easy using the dot product of columns definition (dot product of two different columns has to be $0$ and the dot product of a column with itself is $1$).

It is simple to check that any matrix of the form

$$\begin{pmatrix} B' & \vdots \\ & 0\\ \dots 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix}$$

where $B' \in O(n)$ fixes $v$.

This proves that $O(n+1)_v = O(n)$.


Now on to proving the result about homotopy groups.

The long exact sequence in homotopy groups associated to the fiber sequence

$$O(n)=O(n+1)_v \rightarrow O(n+1) \rightarrow O(n+1)v = S^n$$

(we used transitivity for last equality)

then becomes

$$...\rightarrow \pi_{i+1}(S^n) \rightarrow \pi_{i}(O(n)) \rightarrow \pi_i(O(n+1)) \rightarrow \pi_{i}(S^n) \rightarrow ...$$

Then if $i+1 < n,$ $\pi_{i+1}(S^n) = \pi_{i}(S^n) = 0$ so the map $$\pi_{i}(O(n)) \rightarrow \pi_i(O(n+1))$$ is an isomorphism if $i \leq n-2$. Then for induction it is simple to prove that $$\pi_{i}(O(n+k)) \rightarrow \pi_i(O(n+k+1))$$ is an isomorphism for positive $k$ if $i \leq n-2$ since $i \leq n-2$ implies that $i \leq n+k-2$.


Hope you find this helpful!