[Math] show that the ordered square is locally connected~


show that the ordered square is locally connected but not locally path connected. what are the path components of this space?

this problem is exercise munkres 25-3, and also example 24-6
and there, let $Ux$ = $f^-1(x$x$(0,1))$ and get contradiction using injective mapping of I into Q.

however another solution from https://onesidey.wordpress.com/2012/03/09/munkres-25/
why 'neighborhood of x contains a subsapce homeomorphic to the ordered square itself' means not path connected?

and if you possible, show me another solution or explanation for this problem

Best Answer

The argument given at Onesidey (your link) is about as straightforward as you can get; I don’t offhand know of a different one, let alone a simpler one.

Let $U$ be an open nbhd of the point $p=\left\langle\frac12,0\right\rangle$. Because the lexicographically ordered square has the order topology, $U$ must contain an open interval around $p$ in the lexicographic order.

Let $\langle x_n:n\in\Bbb N\rangle$ be a strictly increasing sequence of positive real numbers converging to $\frac12$, and let $\langle y_n:n\in\Bbb N\rangle$ be a strictly decreasing sequence of real numbers less than $1$ converging to $0$. For $n\in\Bbb N$ let $a_n=\langle x_n.0\rangle$ and $b_n=\left\langle\frac12,y_n\right\rangle$. Then the sequences $\langle a_n:n\in\Bbb N\rangle$ and $\langle b_n:n\in\Bbb N\rangle$ converge to $p$ in the lexicographic order topology, and

$$a_0\prec a_1\prec a_2\prec\ldots\prec p\prec\ldots\prec b_2\prec b_1\prec b_0\;.$$

Thus, there is some $n\in\Bbb N$ such that the open interval $(a_n,b_n)$ in the lexicographic order topology is a subset of $U$: if $a_n\prec u\prec b_n$, then $u\in U$. This open interval contains all points $\langle x,y\rangle$ in the square such that

  • $x_n<x<\frac12$, or
  • $x=x_n$ and $y>0$, or
  • $x=\frac12$ and $0\le y<y_n$.

Here’s a rough sketch:

enter image description here

The black point is $p$ (and is so labelled); the blue points are $p_n=\langle x_n,0\rangle$ to the left of $p$ and $b_n=\left\langle\frac12,y_n\right\rangle$ above $p$; and the open interval $(a_n,b_n)$ is colored orange. It includes all of the points in the square strictly above the blue point $a_n$, all of the points of the square between the lines $x=x_n$ and $x=\frac12$, and all of the points in the square strictly below the blue point $b_n$.

Every open nbhd of $p$ contains an open interval of this kind, because every open interval around $p$ in the lexicographic order contains one of this kind.

Now pick real numbers $s$ and $t$ such that $x_n<s<t<\frac12$, and let

$$R=\{\langle x,y\rangle:s\le x\le t\text{ and }0\le y\le 1\}\;;$$

this set is the closed black rectangle in the picture below.

enter image description here

In terms of the lexicographic order, $R$ is the closed interval from $\langle s,0\rangle$ to $\langle t,1 \rangle$, and it’s homeomorphic to the whole square, which is the closed interval from $\langle 0,0\rangle$ to $\langle 1,1\rangle$.

In fact, let


you can easily check that $h$ is a homeomorphism from the ordinary closed interval $[s,t]$ in $\Bbb R$ to the closed interval $[0,1]$, and it’s not much harder to verify that if $X$ is the lexicographically ordered square, then the map

$$\varphi:R\to X:\langle x,y\rangle\mapsto\langle h(x),y\rangle$$

is a homeomorphism.

This shows that every nbhd of $p$ does indeed contain a set homeomorphic to $X$, and since $X$ is not path connected (as shown by Munkres in his Example $24.6$), no neighbourhood of $p$ can be path connected, and $X$ is therefore not locally path connected.

Instead of this particular point $p$ we could actually have used any point $\langle x,0\rangle$ with $0<x\le 1$ or any point $\langle x,1\rangle$ with $0\le x<1$, i.e., any point along the top or bottom edge of the square except the endpoints of the lexicographic order.