[Math] Show that the null space of $A$ is equal to the null space of $UA$ for some invertible $m\times m$ matrix $U$ and some $m\times n$ matrix $A$

linear algebra

And equivalently, given some invertible $n\times n$ matrix V, how can I show that the column space of $A$ is equal to the column space of $AV$.?

I've looked through my textbook and can't seem to find anything relating to this in the section dedicated to the row and column space. The best I could find online and from other sources is that the row space of a matrix is not affected by elementary row operations. So extrapolating from this, I can see that $UA$ would have the same row space as $A$, as $U$ can be reduced to a series of elementary row operations. But I read that elementary row operations can change the column space. So I still have no understanding of this property.

Best Answer

Another hint. By definition, the column space of $A$ consists of vectors of the form $Ax$. Similarly, the column space of $AV$ contain vectors of the form $AVu$. Now, to say that the column spaces of $A$ and $AV$ are identical, we mean for every vector of the form $Ax$ is equal to a vector of the form $AVu$ and vice versa.