[Math] Show that the *gamma* function is holomorphic in $\{Re(z)>0\}$


Show that the gamma function


Is holomorphic in $\{Re(z)>0\}$.

Ok, so I was told to try to solve this excercise by defining a sequence of functions


And try to bound the $n$th term by a converging integral (I guess) in any compact subset $K \subset \{Re(z)>0\}$. However, Im not sure what is that I have to bound, and how. Any hints?

Best Answer

I suggest using Morera's Theorem instead, which states that a continuous function $f$ is holomorphic in an open region $\Omega$ if the integral of $f$ over every triangle $\Delta$ is $0$ whenever the triangle and its interior is contained in $\Omega$.

The integral function you have for $\Gamma(z)$ is continuous by the Lebesgue dominated convergence theorem. You can use Fubini's theorem to interchange orders of integration in order to prove that $$ \oint_{\Delta} \Gamma(z)dz = \int_{0}^{\infty}e^{-t}\left(\oint_{\Delta}e^{(-1+z)\ln t}dz\right)dt = 0. $$