[Math] Show that the ellipse and the hyperbola are convex

conic sectionsconvex-analysisgeometry

In Spivak's chapter on differentiation, he asks the reader to prove that the tangent line to an ellipse or a hyperbola intersect the figure at exactly one point.

How is this done most elegantly? I can crunch the numbers and show that it comes out right, but I have a feeling there's a more elegant way. And why is it (is it?) that a smooth region in $\mathbb{R}^n$ is convex iff for every tangent hyperplane, that hyperplane intersects the set in only one point?

Best Answer

Both ellipse and hyperbola are conics, and as such the solution to a quadratic equation. Along any line, there are up to two points where the quadric intersects the line. These two points can either be distinct real points, in which case the curve of the quadric switches side at each such point. Or it can be a pair of complex points which are conjugate to one another in those cases where the line passes by the quadric. Or as a limit between these two cases, the two points of intersection can coincide, in which case the quadric will stay on one side of the line. That last one is exactly your tangential situation. So there you see that you have only one point of intersection for tangents. The core is the quadratic nature of the equation.

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