[Math] Show that the dual space of the vector space of all polynomials is isomorphic to the infinite-dimensional Euclidean vector space over the reals

linear algebralinear-transformationspolynomialsvector-space-isomorphismvector-spaces

May I please ask how to show the dual space of the vector space of all polynomials is isomorphic to the infinite-dimensional Euclidean vector space over the reals?

(i.e. Show that $(\Bbb{R}[X])^*$ and $\Bbb{R}^{∞}$ are isomorphic where $\Bbb{R}$ means the set of all reals)

Best Answer

A linear functional $f$ on the vector space of real polynomials is determined by the real numbers $f(1), f(x), f(x^2),\dots$ and for any sequence of real numbers $\{a_n\}$ we can define a linear functional $f$ so that $f(x^n)=a_n$. Therefore an isomorphism between the two vector spaces is given by the map $$f\mapsto (f(1),f(x),f(x^2),\dots)$$