Probability – Show Random Variables $X$ and $Y$ Are Not Independent but Cov$[X,Y] = 0$

correlationindependenceprobabilityrandom variables

Let $Z$ be a random uniformly distributed variable on $[0,1]$. Show that the random variables $X = \sin 2\pi Z$ and $Y = \cos 2\pi Z$ are not independent, but nevertheless Cov$[X,Y]=0$.

This is a homework assignment, but I'm a bit stuck.

My thoughts

We can see that $X$ and $Y$ are not independent, since both depend on $Z$. If we want to show this explicitly, then we need to show that $$f_{X,Y}(a,b) \neq f_X(a)\;f_Y(b),$$
where $f_{X,Y}(a,b)$ is the joint probability distribution function.
But how can I find the (joint) probability distribution function(s) $f_X, f_Y$ and $f_{X,Y}$?

If I can find these functions, I can also solve the covariance problem. Is this the right way? Or is there a 'better' way to solve this problem?

Best Answer

It is not necessary to find these functions.

To prove dependency it is enough to find sets $A,B$ such that $$P(X\in A\wedge Y\in B)\neq P(X\in A)P(Y\in B)$$

To prove that the covariance is $0$ it is enough to show that $$\mathbb EXY=\mathbb EX\mathbb EY$$

and for that you do not need the PDF's either.

E.g. note that: $$\mathbb EXY=\int_0^1\sin2\pi z\cos2\pi z~\mathrm dz$$

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