[Math] Show that no group of order 48 is simple


Show that no group of order 48 is simple

I was wondering if I was allowed to do something along this line of thinking:

Let $n_2$ be the number of $2$-Sylow groups.

$n_2$ is limited to $1$ and $3$ since these are the only divisors of 48 that are equivalent to $1 \mod 2$.

$n_2=3$ (since if $n_2=1$ the group is definitely not simple)

Each $n_2$ subgroup contains 1 distinct element and there are 3 of these subgroups hence there are 3 distinct elements.

We have $48-3=45$ elements to account for.

At this point, can I assume that these 45 elements form a subgroup and then solve this proof by proving a group of 45 elements form a p-Sylow normal subgroup?

Best Answer

A Sylow $2$-subgroup contains fifteen non-identity elements. Two distinct Sylow $2$-subgroups could conceivably meet in an order $8$ subgroup, so it is difficult to count how many elements are contained in the union of the Sylow $2$-subgroups.

But there are either $1$ or $3$ Sylow $2$-subgroups. In the latter case $G$ acts on them transitively by conjugation, so there is a non-trivial homomorphism from $G$ to $S_3$.