[Math] Show that Möbius transformation $S$ commute with $T$ if $S$ and $T$ have the same fixed point.


Let $T$ be a Möbius Transformation such that $T$ is not the identity. Show that Möbius transformation $S$ commute with $T$ if $S$ and $T$ have the same fixed point.

Here is what I know so far

1) if $T$ has fixed points says $z_1$ and $z_2$ then $S^{-1}TS$ has fixed point $S^{-1}(z_1)$ and $S^{-1}(z_2)$

2) if $T$ is dilation then $0$ and $\infty$ are its only fixed point, but if $T$ is translation then only $\infty$ is its fixed point.

Assume that $S$ and $T$ has the same fixed points $z_1$ and $z_2 $ then by 1)

$S^{-1}TS$ and $T^{-1}ST$ have the same fixed point $S^{-1}(z_1)=T^{-1}(z_1)$ and $S^{-1}(z_2)=T^{-1}(z_2)$

I know that $T$ is not the identity, but I can't assume it is dilation or translation to use 2), because it can also be inverse, right?

I wonder if anyone would please have me a hand from here.

Best Answer

Assume that $S$ and $T$ are two Moebius transformations of the extended $z$-plane $\overline{\Bbb C}$ having the same fixed points $z_1$, $z_2\in{\Bbb C}$, $\>z_1\ne z_2$. The we can introduce "temporarily" in $\overline{\Bbb C}$ a new complex coordinate $$w:={z-z_1\over z-z_2}\ .$$ The point $z=z_1$ gets the $w$-coordinate $w_1={z_1-z_1\over z-z_2}=0$, and the point $z=z_2$ gets the $w$-coordinate $w_2=\infty$. In terms of this new coordinate both $S$ and $T$ are again given by Moebius expressions, but now the fixed points have $w$-coordinate values $0$ and $\infty$; whence $S$ and $T$ appear as dilations: $$S(w)=\lambda w, \quad \lambda\ne 1;\qquad T(w)=\mu w,\quad \mu\ne1\ .$$ When expressed in terms of $w$ the two transformations obviously commute; therefore they have to commute as well when expressed in terms of the original coordinate $z$. – A similar argument takes care of the case $z_1\in{\Bbb C}$, $z_2=\infty$.

When $S$ and $T$ both have exactly one fixed point $z_0\in {\Bbb C}$ then we can replace $z_0$ by $w_0=\infty$ as before. Now $S$ appears as $$S(w)=\alpha w+\beta\ .$$ When $\alpha\ne1$ then $S$ would have a second fixed point $w_2={\beta\over 1-\alpha}$. It follows that $S$ and $T$ are of the form $$S(w)=w+\beta,\quad\beta\ne0;\qquad T(w)=w+\gamma,\quad \gamma\ne0\ ;$$ whence commute.