[Math] Show that $\mathbb R$ is countably compact


Show that $\mathbb R$ is countably compact, that is that any cover has an at most countable subcover.

I tried to use the fact that every open set in R is a union of intervals with rational endpoints.

I tried to use the below fact first.
[If every open subset of $\mathbb R$ is a disjoint union of open intervals, the number of the intervals is at most countable]
but I realized that this is just a special case,
and what I need to prove is that "any" cover has at most countable subcovers.

Could you help me please?

Thank you!

Best Answer

To repeat what was noted in the comments, you’re not showing that $\Bbb R$ is countably compact: you’re showing that it’s Lindelöf. The difference between the two properties lies largely in the placement of the word countable:

A space $X$ is countably compact if every countable open cover of $X$ has a finite subcover. It’s Lindelöf if every open cover of $X$ has a countable subcover.

Your idea of using the fact that every open set in $\Bbb R$ is a union of open intervals with rational endpoints is a good one. It works: you just have to fill in some details. Let $\mathscr{B}$ be the set of open intervals with rational endpoints, and let $\mathscr{U}$ be any open cover of $\Bbb R$. For each $x\in\Bbb R$ choose a $U_x\in\mathscr{U}$ and a $B_x\in\mathscr{B}$ such that $x\in B_x\subseteq U_x$. (How do you know that this is possible?) Now let $\mathscr{B}_0=\{B_x:x\in\Bbb R\}$.

  1. Explain why $\mathscr{B}_0$ is a countable open cover of $X$.
  2. For each $B\in\mathscr{B}_0$ there is a $U_B\in\mathscr{U}$ such that $B\subseteq U_B$; why?
  3. Show that $\{U_B:B\in\mathscr{B}\}$ is a countable subfamily of $\mathscr{U}$ that covers $\Bbb R$.
  4. Since $\mathscr{U}$ was an arbitrary open cover of $\Bbb R$, conclude that $\Bbb R$ is Lindelöf.
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