[Math] Show that $\log[(1+i)^2]\neq 2\log(1+i)$


The problem is as stated in the title. I found that the $\mathrm{Log}[(1+i)^2] = 2\mathrm{Log}(1+i)$. We know that
Now, without defining a branch, doesn't that mean that
$$\log(z)=\ln(r)+i(\theta +2\pi k), \;\;\;\;\;\;\;\; k\in\mathbb{Z}$$
doesn't converge to any finite point? This was a question that I had on an exam and it's been bothering me as to how one would show
$$\log[(1+i)^2]\neq 2\log(1+i)$$
It seems like you can just jump to the non-convergence conclusion. But, my thinking seems to often send me down a wrong path, so if someone could help clear this up for me, I'd be much obliged!

Best Answer

This is a standard problem in CA, but it is mispresented in the case of the OP.

The correct question (as it appears on Churchill and Brown for example) is:

If $\log(z)$ denotes the complex logarithm and $z\in\mathbb{C}$, show that it $\mathit{MAY}$ happen that $\log(z^2)\neq 2\log(z)$ (or with some other particular example which breaks the power rule...)

Not that it WILL happen, afortiori.

Like many commenters already said, this depends on the choice of branch of the complex function $\log$ one takes, but there's more to it than just that.

If the same branch is chosen for both cases, the result is equality. To dispel notions to the contrary, with Maple:

z0 := (1+I)^2; z1 := 1+I;

CLog := proc (k, z) local theta, rho;

rho := op(1, polar(z)); theta := op(2, polar(z));

ln(rho)+I*(theta+2*k*Pi) end proc;

and using the same branch, we have:

CLog(0, z0);


2*CLog(0, z1);


Different pairs of $k\in\mathbb{Z}$ in the previous, will of course break equality.

There is, however, a different reason why equality may break: A different $\mathit{definition}$ of the complex function $\log$.

The standard definition used most often with the cut being the negative axis, is:

$$\log(k,z)=\ln(|z|)+(\arg(z)+2k\pi)i,\text{with:}\arg(z)\in(-\pi,\pi], k\in\mathbb{Z}$$

One, however, may define the complex $\log$ function to admit a branch cut starting from zero (where the function is not even defined) and extending out to infinity towards any direction one wants, so if one defines for example:


then this is a perfectly good definition for the complex $\log$ map, but will break many such equalities if one chooses $\arg$ lying on opposite sides of the cut depending on the complex values given, thus the inequality for specific examples.

Concluding, equality may break not only with different branches but also with different definitions of $\log$.

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