[Math] Show that injective immersion of a compact manifold is an embedding


I need to show that injective immersion of a compact manifold is an embedding.

Here is what I think – By definition, an embedding is an immersion which is proper and injective. So consider a map $F : M \rightarrow N$ s.t. $F$ is an injective immersion. Suppose $M$ is a compact manifold. ($N$ is also a manifold). Now by default I am done with the injective part of the function as I am defining my function to be injective. Hence I am left with the proper part. Then by using the property of compact manifold which says that any continuous real-valued function is bounded on a compact manifold , I can say that $F$ is a bounded map. But I am unable to show that it is also a closed map.

Am I right in my above reasoning (proof) or is/are there some flaws? If not then can someone please tell me how to show that $F$ is closed?

Best Answer

Just to expand on my comment, you'll need to apply the theorem that the continuous image of a compact space is compact.

But, the problem is missing a hypothesis: you'll need to assume that the range is Hausdorff, so that you can apply the theorem that a compact subset of a Hausdorff space is closed.