Metric Spaces – Every Subset in a Discrete Metric Space is Open and Closed


I need to prove that in a discrete metric space, every subset is both open and closed. Now, I find it difficult to imagine what this space looks like. I think it
consists of all sequences containing ones and zeros.

Now in order to prove that every subset is open, my books says that for
$A \subset X $,
$A$ is open if $\,\forall x \in A,\,\exists\, \epsilon > 0$ such that $B_\epsilon(x) \subset A$.

I was thinking that since $A$ will also contain only zeros and ones, it must be open. Could someone help me ironing out the details?

Best Answer

The discrete metric just says that $$d(x,x)=0$$ $$d(x,y)=1,\ x\neq y$$

So say your ball has radius $r$. If $r<1$ then the only point it contains is the point it's centred on. So any single point has a ball of some radius around it containing only that point. This is the same thing as $B_{0<r<1}(x)=\{x\}$, so we know that every singleton is open. And now we're actually done! Since now we know that any point $x$ in a set $A$ has a ball containing it, because we can always construct a ball that only contains $x$! Since all sets are open, their complements are open as well. This implies that all sets are also closed.

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