[Math] Show that if $P$ is an invertible $m\times m$ matrix, then rank $PA$ = rank $A$.

linear algebramatrices

Show that if $P$ is an invertible $m\times m$ matrix, then rank $PA$ = rank $A$.

How would I go about this? I don't know if A is invertible or not. in fact, A doesn't have to be a square matrix.

Best Answer

Whether $P$ is invertible or not, one has: $$\DeclareMathOperator{\rk}{rank}\rk PA\le\rk A$$ since the row-vectors of $PA$ are linear combinations of the rows of $A$.

Similarly, $\rk P^{-1}(PA)\le \rk PA$. However $ P^{-1}(PA)=A$, hence $$\rk A\le\rk PA\le\rk A,$$ which proves equality.