Geometry – Ellipse and Hyperbola with Same Foci and Perpendicular Tangents

analytic geometryconic sectionsgeometry

I have to show that:

If an ellipse and a hyperbola have the same foci, then at each point of intersection, their tangent lines are perpendicular.

So I know that if I prove it for one of the points of intersection then it's valid for all four, but I'm sort of stuck; I don't know what to use.

Best Answer

Let the foci be $F_1$ and $F_2$ and let a point of intersection be $P$. The tangent to the ellipse is the external angle bisector of $\angle F_1PF_2$, and the tangent to the hyperbola is the internal angle bisector.

Proving these statements without calculus is onerous. Here's a sketch of a partial proof for the statement about ellipses, to give the main ideas:


Let $F_1,F_2,P$ be as above. Let $b$ be the external bisector of $\angle F_1PF_2$; we want to show that $b$ is tangent to the ellipse. By the definition you've been given, that means we want to show that $b$ intersects the ellipse only at $P$. Consider first a point $Q$ on the other side of $b$ from the foci; I claim that $Q$ is not on the ellipse. To show this, draw $F_2Q$, meeting $b$ at $R$; also reflect $F_2$ in $b$ to obtain its image $F_2'$. Note that $F_1PF_2'$ are collinear because $b$ is the external angle bisector. Then $$ F_1Q+QF_2 = F_1Q + QR + RF_2 = F_1Q + QR + RF_2' > F_1F_2' = F_1P + PF_2' = F_1P + PF_2 $$ So $Q$ is not on the ellipse. I'm skipping some details here, notably why it has to be $>$ and not $\ge$ in the triangle inequality here. After you fill in that detail, and if you believe that the ellipse is a continuous curve, then we know that the ellipse doesn't cross $b$, so it is tangent to the ellipse. Then give a similar analysis for hyperbolas.

(We have not proved that conic sections have only one tangent at each point; I think I proved that once from your definition, but I only remember that it was unpleasant... and maybe my proof was wrong anyway.)

The nice way to prove these statements is with the notion of gradient from multivariable calculus: the direction of the gradient of the scalar field "distance from $F_i$" is obviously a unit vector pointing away from $F_i$; from this and the definition of an ellipse as a level curve of the sum of two such scalar fields it's clear that the normal to the ellipse bisects the desired angle. (On preview, along the lines of achille hui's answer.)