[Math] Show that $\frac{\sin(xy)}{y}$ is differentiable at $(0,0)$.


How do I show that the following function is differentiable at $(0,0)$?
\dfrac{\sin(xy)}{y}, & \text{if }y \neq 0 \\
0, & \text{if }y = 0
I calculated the partial derivatives and

  • $f(x) = \cos(xy)$ exists near $(0,0)$ and is continuous
  • $f(y) = \dfrac{xy \cos(xy) – \sin(xy)}{y^2}$ exists, but how do I show that it is continuous?

Best Answer

As you defined it your function is not even continuous at $(0,0)$. Note that $$\lim_{y\to0}{\sin(xy)\over y}=x\ .$$ I'm assuming this will be corrected. Then you can argue as follows: When $y\ne0$ you have $${\sin(xy)\over y}=\int_0^x \cos(y t)\>dt\ ,$$ whereby the RHS is obviously $C^1$ in a neighborhood of $(0,0)$.

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