[Math] Show that $f_n(x) = \frac{\sin(nx)}{\sqrt{n}}$ converges uniformly to $0$


I need to show that $f_n(x) = \frac{\sin(nx)}{\sqrt{n}}$ converges uniformly to $0$. My book has a theorem that says that if $|f_n(x)|<a_n$ and $\sum |a_n|$ converges, then $f_n$ converges uniformly. But $\sum \frac{1}{\sqrt{n}}$ doesn't converge, so I don't know how to do it. Should it be done by definition?

$$\left|\frac{\sin(nx)}{\sqrt{n}}\right|\le \left|\frac{1}{\sqrt{n}}\right|$$

if I take $n_0 = \frac{1}{\epsilon^2}$, then $n>n_0\implies n>\frac{1}{\epsilon^2}\implies \sqrt{n}>\frac{1}{\epsilon}\implies \frac{1}{\sqrt{n}}<\epsilon$

therefore it converges uniformly. Now, I need to also show that $f'_n$ diverges in every point of the interval $[0,1]$. The derivative is:

$$\frac{n\cos nx}{\sqrt{n}}$$

should I just say that this limit goes to infinity because $n$ grows faster than $\sqrt{n}$?

Best Answer

If $x=0$ we have $\sqrt n\cos (nx) = \sqrt n \to \infty.$ It's trickier if $x\in (0,x].$ Let $A = \{e^{it}: t \in [0,1]\},$ $ B = \{e^{it}: t \in [\pi,\pi +1]\}.$ Claim*: For each $x\in (0,1],$ $e^{inx}\in A$ for infinitely many $n,$ and $e^{inx}\in B$ for infinitely many $n.$ Accepting this (it's a nice exercise), we see that for each $x\in (0,1],$ $\sqrt n\cos (nx) > \cos 1\cdot \sqrt n$ for infinitely many $n,$ $\sqrt n\cos (nx) <- \cos 1\cdot \sqrt n$ for infinitely many $n.$ So for all $x\in (0,1],$ the sequence $\sqrt n\cos (nx)$ oscillates wildly, taking on arbitrarily large positive and negative values.

$\text{*}$Proof: If $A$ is an arc on the unit circle of arc length $1,$ and $x\in (0,1],$ then $ e^{inx} \in A$ for infinitely many $n.$ Proof: The sequence $e^{i nx}$ marches around the circle infinitely many times in steps of fixed arc-length $x\le 1.$ Now remember what your momma taught you: You can't step over a puddle that's larger than your stride. Apply this to our sequence: Because the steps are no more than the length of $A,$ we have to land in $A$ at least once every orbit. That's the idea, and you can make it perfectly rigorous.

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