[Math] Show that $e^z$ is continuous on $\mathbb{C}$

complex numberscomplex-analysiscontinuityepsilon-delta

I know that $e^z$ is continuous on $\mathbb{R}$, but how would I show this rigorously on $\mathbb{C}$ using the $\epsilon – \delta$ definition of continuity?

I know how to begin:

If $|z – z_0| < \delta$ then we want $|f(z) – f(z_0)| < \epsilon$.

To work backwards, I know we want to basically play around with $|f(z) – f(z_0)| = |e^z – e^{z_0}|$ and then pick $\delta$ to have some relationship with $\epsilon$ so that we get the inequality.

However, I am having a hard time figuring out how to proceed with expanding $|e^z – e^{z_0}|$ in a way that gets me to a point where I can get $|z – z_0|$ to appear somewhere.

Best Answer

Idea: $$ |e^z - e^{z_0}|\le |e^x - e^{x_0}||\cos y + i\sin y| + e^{x_0}|(\cos y + i\sin y) - (\cos y_0 + i\sin y_0)|\le\cdots $$ Can you continue?

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