[Math] Show that every locally compact Hausdorff space is completely regular


It would be very appreciated if someone could review my solution. Thanks!


Show that every locally compact Hausdorff space is completely regular.


Let X be a locally compact Hausdorff space. One point sets are closed in X since X is hausdorff.

Then there is a space Y such that Y is the one point compactification of X where Y is compact hausdorff.

Let $x_0$ $\in$ X and B $\subset$ X such that $x_0$ $\notin$ B and B is closed in X. Then the open set U = X – B contains x$_0$. Then since U is open in X it is also open in Y by construction of the one point compactification Munkres gives. Then C = Y – U is a closed set in Y that contains B.

Then since Y is compact hausdorff it is also normal. Hence since the set {x$_0$} is closed since Y is hausdorff, by the Urysohn lemma we can define a continuous function f: Y -> [a,b] such that f(x$_0$) = a and f(x) = b for every x $\in$ C.

But since f is continuous we can take the continuous function g on a subspace of the domain of f. Namely, g: X -> [a,b] since X is a subspace of Y. Hence we have a continuous function g that maps g(x$_0$) = a and g(B) = b, since B $\subset$ C. We can replace [a,b] by [0,1] to satisfy the definition of completely regular.

Hence X is completely regular.

Best Answer

It follows from two basic facts:

  1. $X$ embeds into its one-point compactification $\alpha X$, which is Hausdorff and compact and thus normal and hence Tychonoff.

  2. A subspace of a Tychonoff space is again Tychonoff.

Your proof is almost a re-proof of the last fact. If it has been covered in your course, it's better to just quote that instead of redoing its proof in a special case.

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