[Math] Show that both graphs drawn below are isomorphic by giving an isomorphism for them. (Petersen Graph)

graph theorygraph-isomorphism

The question that I'm trying to answer is: "Show that both graphs drawn below are isomorphic by giving an isomorphism for them. Also known as the Petersen Graphs.

I dont quite understand what is meant by 'give an isomorphism'. What is the best method to answer questions such as this one?

Best Answer

Two layouts of the Petersen graph

A sample isomorphism for your graphs is relatively simple here if you know that the Petersen graph is strongly regular, meaning that the choice of starting point for your isomorphism is arbitrary.

So we can map between the two diagrams starting with an arbitrary three-point arc, so taking mapping pairs of $(a,1),(b,2),(c,3)$ we can continue the 5-cycle with $(e,9),(f,10)$ then completing adjacent sets we have $(d,4), (i,5), (k,8), (h,6),(g,7)$ giving a full isomorphism:

$$(a,1),(b,2),(c,3),(d,4),(e,9),(f,10),(g,7), (h,6), (i,5), (k,8)$$

Due to the strong regularity, we can pick any starting point, any of its adjacent points then any further adjacent point to map to a given arc of three points on one graph, giving $10\times 3\times 2= 60$ different isomorphisms to choose from.

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