[Math] Show that an entire function that is real only on the real axis has at most one zero, without the argument principle


Could someone advise me on how to approach this problem: Suppose an entire function $f$ is real if and only if $z$ is real. Prove that $f$ has at most $1$ zero. without the use of argument principle ?

Here is my attempt: Suppose $f(z)$ has two zeroes at $z=a.$ Let $f(z) = \sum^{\infty}_{n=0}a_n(z-a)^n, \forall z. \ $

Then $f(z)=(z-a)^2 \left(\dfrac{a_{0}}{(z-a)^2} +\dfrac{a_1}{z-a}+a_2+a_3(z-a)+…\right)$

$\implies a_0=a_1=0.$

$\implies f(z)= (z-a)^2\left(a_2+a_3(z-a)+a_4(z-a)^2+…\right)$

$\implies …. ?$

Thank you.

Best Answer

Let $g:\mathbb R\to\mathbb R$ be the restriction of $f$ to the real line. It suffices to show that $g'$ never vanishes. Suppose to the contrary that $g'(a)=0$. Then $f'(a)=0$, which allows us to write $$f(z)-f(a) = h(z)^k\tag1$$ in a neighborhood of $a$, where $h$ is holomorphic and $k>1$ is the order of zero of $f(z)-f(a)$ at $a$.

Near $a$ we have $h(z) = c(z-a) + o(|z-a|)$ with $c\ne 0$. Hence, $h$ is locally invertible near $a$. The inverse of $h$ transforms the lines $\{te^{\pi ij/k}: t\in\mathbb R\}$, $j=0,\dots, k-1$, to $k$ smooth curves intersecting at $a$. The function $h(z)^k$ is real on each of these curves. In view of (1) this contradicts the assumption that $f(z)$ is real only when $z$ is real.