[Math] Show that among all quadrilaterals of a given perimeter the square has the largest area


Show that among all quadrilaterals of a given perimeter the square has the largest area.

By Ptolemy's theorem we have that if $a,b,c,d$ are the side lengths of the quadrilateral then $ac+bd \geq d_1d_2$, which implies that $\text{Area}_{\text{quadrilateral}} \leq \dfrac{1}{2}d_1d_2$ where $d_1,d_2$ are the lengths of the diagonals. I then want to show for a given perimeter the maximal area is obtained for equality of the last inequality. We can't just say that the maximal area is for that of a square based on the last inequality since the maximal may not be achieved for a given perimeter. How do I continue?

Best Answer

We have $$S_{ABCD}\le S_{ABC}+S_{CDA}\le \frac12(AB\cdot BC+CD\cdot DA)\tag{1}$$ Similarly $$S_{ABCD}\le S_{BCD}+S_{BAD}\le \frac12(BC\cdot CD + BA\cdot AD)\tag{2}.$$ Adding (1) and (2), we get $$4S_{ABCD}\le (AB + CD)(BC+AD)\le \frac{(AB+BC+CD+DA)^2}4.\tag{3}$$ Finally, equalities hold in (1) and (2) only if all four angles of $ABCD$ are right angles, which makes $ABCD$ a rectangular; while equality holds in (3) only if $AB+CD=BC+AD$, which makes a rectangular a square.