[Math] Show that a set of logical connectives is expresively complete


I've been trying to figure this out for hours now, there doesn't seem to be ample resources online for my skill level to solve such a question:

Show that a set of connectives {∧,¬} is expressively complete, given that {∨,∧,¬} is expressively complete.

I don't have the slightest clue how to solve this or really what it even means in context. I am very new to logic. Concepts I do understand are what the logical operators mean, and how to set up truth tables for sentence letters, and how to use truth trees for sentences.

I don't even know how to show that {∨,∧,¬} is expressively complete, let alone derive {∧,¬} . Any help is appreciated.

Best Answer

I presume you are working with propositional logic. You are given that $\{\lor, \land, \neg\}$ is expressively complete. This means that any formula in propositional logic can be rewritten so that it only uses the connectives $\lor$, $\land$, and $\neg$.

Now, to show that $\{\land, \neg\}$ is also expressively complete, all you need to do is show that you can rewrite any formula that uses only $\lor$, $\land$, and $\neg$ so that it only uses $\land$ and $\neg$, or more to the point, you need to show that you can write $\lor$ using $\land$ and $\neg$.

This can of course be done using De Morgan's laws. One of De Morgan's laws says that $$\neg (A \lor B) \equiv \neg B \land \neg A.$$ Now, if we negate both sides of this equivalence, we get $$\neg \neg (A \lor B) \equiv (A \lor B) \equiv \neg (\neg B \land \neg A),$$ which tells you how to write $\lor$ in terms of $\neg$ and $\land$.