[Math] Show that a pivotal quantity has a chi-square distribution


Let $Y$ be a random variable with an exponential distribution with E(Y)=$\theta$.

Show that the pivotal $\frac{2Y}{\theta}$ has a chi-square distribution using moment-generating function technique.

What I did: Mu(t) = E(e$^{tu})$ = E(e$\frac{t(2Y)}{\theta})$.

Then I integrated: $\int_{0}^{\infty}$e$^\frac{t(2Y)}{\theta}*f(y) dy$.

This produces $\frac{-\theta}{2 \beta t-\theta}$

This looks nothing like a chi-square distribution. It then asks how many degrees of freedom it has. Please help! Thanks in advance, oh wise Stats geniuses.

Best Answer


  • What is $\beta$?

  • I suspect when you wrote $\dfrac{-\theta}{2 \beta t-\theta}$ you may have intended $\dfrac{-\theta}{2 \theta t-\theta}$, which can be simplified

  • A chi-squared distribution with $k$ degrees of freedom has a moment generating function of $$(1-2t)^{-k/2}$$