Combinatorics – Generalized Knight’s Return to Original Position After Even Moves


Source: German Mathematical Olympiad


On an arbitrarily large chessboard, a generalized knight moves by jumping p squares in one direction and q squares in a perpendicular direction, p, q > 0. Show that such a knight can return to its original position only after an even number of moves.


Assume, wlog, the knight moves $q$ steps to the right after its $p$ steps. Let the valid moves for the knight be "LU", "UR", "DL", "RD" i.e. when it moves Left, it has to go Up("LU"), or when it goes Up , it has to go Right("UR") and so on.

Let the knight be stationed at $(0,0)$. We note that after any move its coordinates will be integer multiples of $p,q$. Let its final position be $(pk, qr)$ for $ k,r\in\mathbb{Z}$. We follow sign conventions of coordinate system.

Let knight move by $-pk$ horizontally and $-qk$ vertically by repeated application of one step. So, its new position is $(0,q(r-k))$ I am thinking that somehow I need to cancel that $q(r-k)$ to achieve $(0,0)$, but don't be able to do the same.

Any hints please?

Best Answer

Case I: If $p+q$ is odd, then the knight's square changes colour after each move, so we are done.

Case II: If $p$ and $q$ are both odd, then the $x$-coordinate changes by an odd number after every move, so it is odd after an odd number of moves. So the $x$-coordinate can be zero only after an even number of moves.

Case III: If $p$ and $q$ are both even, we can keep dividing each of them by $2$ until we reach Case I or Case II. (Dividing $p$ and $q$ by the same amount doesn't change the shape of the knight's path, only its size.)