Finite-Dimensional Banach Space with Bijective Compact Operator


It is clear that if $ T: X \rightarrow X $ is a bijective compact operator, where $ X $ is a Banach space, then $ \dim(\text{Range}(T)) = \dim(X) $, which implies that $ \dim(X) $ must be $ < \infty $.

How do I prove the converse: If $ \dim(X) < \infty $, then there exists a bijective compact operator $ T: X \rightarrow X $?

Thank you!

Best Answer

I suppose the theorem you want to prove is this one:

Let $(X,\Vert \cdot \Vert)$ be a Banach space. There exists a linear continuous operator $T \colon X \to X$ compact if and only if $\dim X <+\infty$.

One way (if) is clear: indeed, if $\dim X<+\infty$ then every operator $T \colon X \to X$ is compact (since its range is finite dimensional: this is a well-known sufficient condition for compactness). For example, take identity of $X$: it is bijective (obviously!) and compact.

Now, the other way (only if): suppose $T\colon X \to X$ is bijective and compact. There exists $T^{-1}$ and, moreover, it is continuous: so $TT^{-1}=\text{id}_X$ is compact, since $\mathcal K(X)$ is a closed ideal in $\mathcal L(X)$. In particular, the closure of the unit ball of $X$ is compact, hence the space $X$ is finite dimensional.

Hope this helps.

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