[Math] Show that a contractible space is simply connected


Let $X$ be a contractible space (i.e., the identity map is homotopic to the constant map). Show that $X$ is simply connected.

Let $F$ be the homotopy between $\mathrm{id}_X$ and $x_0$, that is $F:X\times [0,1]\to X$ is a continuous map such that
$$ F(x,0)=x,\quad F(x,1)=x_0$$
for all $x\in X$.
Next let $f:[0,1]\to X$ be a loop based $x_0$, I need to show that $f$ is path homotopic to the constant path $e_{x_0}$, The continuous map $G:[0,1]\times [0,1]\to X$ defined by $G(s,t)=F(f(s),t))$ is a homotopy between $f$ and $e_{x_0}$, but it may not be a path homotopy (i.e., $G(0,t)=G(1,t)=x_0$ for all $t\in [0,1]$), how to get around this?

Best Answer

Since $X$ is contractible there exists a homotopy $h=h_t: id_X \to x_0$ where $x_0 \in X$. Therefore, if we take any loop $\alpha: I \to X$ then $h|_{\alpha}$ takes $\alpha$ to $x_0$. Can you show $X$ is path-connected? You know $h_t$ takes every point in $X$ to $x_0$ therefore given any $x,y \in X$ then $h_{2t}(x) * h^{-1}_{2t-1}(y)$ is a path from $x$ to $y$ where $h^{-1}$ represents to reverse of the homotopy i.e $h^{-1}_0(y) = x_0$ and $h^{-1}_1(y) = y$.